Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Somehow... today I feel a bit moody. (-__-) beats me why tho. Haishhh... My mind seems so full yet so empty. What the heck?! Nonsense lah seyh. Watever lah eyhk!
Really am bothered by something, but nothing serious I hope. Oh ya! So currently watching TV Suria, and just finished cooking Nasi Goreng Pedas... Simple one for today jek.. Lazy and like I said just now, moody. No no not menses maybe PMS but I doubt lah..

I am busying coding my stuffs and yet I had time nicking thru my FB... heh, I mean you cant be stressing out myself too much kan? So gitu lah...
Ok I know Im talking no sense at all... LOL.
Will be back later tonight yaw!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Im back to let out my frustation.. as much as I need too.... hopefully -__-

So yesterday at Eunos, there was one point that the living wasnt really crowded... Some were in the bedroom of arwah, some were outside at the staircase and a few in the hall. I was sitting leaning on the wall under the window. Opposite me was Kaq Ryah... When kaqYanti went out from the room and pass me something, she sat with us (we got into a small circle...abg adil had joined us). We were joking about and teasing abt the gerl in green shirt. But when kaqYanti told me to go in the room and talk to her and come out with a comment on it, I got cranky. Seriously cranky... That's when I burst out letting the burden flies to their ears and in the heart...
All started somehow like this ->
KaqYanti : Chaa, kau try masok dalam bebual dgn dia... pastu kau keluar baleq bilang kat kiter...

Echaa : Taknk lah ma... malas uhh! Mama, abg adil semuer asyik suruh echaa je yang bbl dgn dia, echaa je yg kene start enjin... Penat uhh ma... 

KaqYanti : kau marah chaa?

AbgAdil : Kau nampk botol susu ni tk? Nak..?

Echaa : arrggghh.... malas uhh... semuer marah echaa je. part ni semuer echaa jek.. tk fair seyh... mama, abg  kaqryah penat suru dia yg bbl dgn echaa? penah suru dia yng start enjin? tk pernah kan? so the pressure is on me je seyh... echaa bukan pelakon taw nak belakon baek je dgn dia... abeh dia baleq2 macam tu per.. echaa nk buat aper lagy..? depan mama depan semuer dia bole lah bbl baek baleq dgn echaa... padahal2... 

Abg Adil : kau takmo cam tu... tk baek... abg pesan aper?

Echaa: Alah... abg nie selalu gini taw. Echaa bukan tk ingt pesan abg... ingat... abeh tgk uhh, semuer echaa buat comes to nothing seyh Zero!! Penat lah... sedih per... haishhh....

Kaqyanti : ni marah ke lepaskn geram nie?

Echaa: bukan marah, bukan lepaskn geram pon... echaa lepaskn rasa yng terpendam nie... mana org tawu... selama nie echaa da buat aper mama, abg, kaqryah suru... echaa buat aper yg patot. tapi tengok je lah tengok lah!! bosan seyh! Bingit ....! 

Kaq Ryah: cuber kau suru dia yg bbl dgn echaa... aku nak tgk jgak...

Echaa: da lah tk per lah... nak echaa gi...? echaa gi ni bbl dgn dia... pergi taw nie... (padahal tk gerak langsung)!

KaqYanti & AbgAdil : alah2 merajok lah nie.... mari timang2...

Echaa: da lah da lah... abg selalu mara echaa jekk... echaa tawu lah abg tk syng echaa tu sebb abg marah echa tak marah dia, sebb abg sayang dia! 

Abg Adil: ya allah budak nie...

KaqYanti: hahahahhaha....kurang ajar sak echaa

Echaa: betol per... mama pon sama kan? tu pasal org marah echaa tk marah dia...da lah, lau gini aper nk jadi jadi uhh. mama nak nk ckp echa yg perangai cakap uhh... da tk peduli lah... ye lah saper lah echaa ni kan... dia kan kenal mama, abg smuer da lama... bukan macam echaa, echaa kn baru je kenal mama, abg adil & kaqryah kan...? tkper lah...

KAqYanti: jgn lah ckp gitu... mama nk kene fair echaa..

Echaa: fair fair lah... gi fun fair ke... fair price ke... echaa da tk kuasa sungguh. sumpah! malas... bosan... bingit. dari harini, mulai saat ni, echaa da tk nk buat bende2 tu lagy, buat baek dgn dia lah... nk kene ckp dulu lah aper lah... echaa da tk nk...!! Ok? tk nk. Don want!! EEEeeeee! Boring lah....! mama, abg kakak jgn ingt echaa kurang ajar ke aper taw... echa ckp terus terang ni... lamer2 simpan buat sakit hati sendri lah... rasanya semuernye nmpk aper... mcm bodoh sak echaa..... 

Kaqyanti: ok lah ok lah... da lah echaa... sekali sekala bbl pekak telinga aku nie!

Monday, October 18, 2010


So went to Eunos on Friday night with Hyraa, Hendra & Prince. When we reached there An told us to wait down but Prince went up and text me to go up. Ada orang dtg jap... so we were left to attend ourselves like we normally do =) Hahaha! Not long after Mak, Bapak, MamaYanti & Wak Baka came out the room and the tetamu went home..
We spent the night not sleeping but hanging outside and I was like really doing it to get the new tarian and all... with lots of support from Mama & Hyraa... and Hendra, Fuyoh, who accompanied us outside. Wak Baka & Prince was long alseep, LOL. At 5am went to coffee shop and talk talk... went up and still talk2... then mama oprepared herself to go werk and I found a place to sleep =)
bla bla bla... so many things to share - - -
Sunday went to Kubur arwah nye =( Even so, I got so teary that I feel ashame of still crying thinking of her lost... its a great lost to me... will share one day...

As for now, khairul adha is on his way here... will be going Eunos together later to celebrate bapak's bdae =)

Saturday Nite @ MV - Tedja Show

 so eventually we went to tedja with the others at erm... almoat a last minute plan. Thats when wa baka says "amacam nak g kampong tk?" and we all elam kabut siap siap... Although I have to say i totally dont have mood for watching kuda epang yet... Haishh....
Sampai stand at the back and supress the lost of our top player. then slowly blend in the crowd and saw NanaElmo. After the show chat at the entrance area before moving off to eunos.

Friday, October 15, 2010

yes yes, Echaabella Diamond is back =) WoooHoooHoooooOOO!! Zapp, macma paham xia! LOL =D Ouh ok... So right now I am waytyng for thys Sheng Shyong segment on TV to end before we all proceed to Eunos! Yeah! Cant wait cant wait.... heheheheh, missing Mak Jun, Mama Yanti, Bapak, Baby Aie, and all lah...
Tomorrow abgAdil & kaqRyah comyng down. ANd I only sleep over there for tonyght only. i da syap... u all belom lagyk kan> Irrits xia Echaa...
haish.... Dunno and No idea whylately nie I kynd of dunno what to blogg. I guess maybe becoz thys suckyng payn is really sucky! Ewww! hahahaha...
Guess what? Bryngyng my lappye over so I'll cover up where ever I myss yaw~

Back to blogg!
Currently i am syttyng alone in my hall area, checkyng thru my FB - Random! And hyraa is styll slypyng her day off in my room. Prynce is out to Kallang Leysure Park for an intervyew. Wyshes and prays for hym lyke always. Amin. Insya allahu.

.... Hyraa da bangun seyh... hahahahha....
Ok so watchyng Farah Syakira on Suria channel. So bored. Erm, goyng Eunos later tonyght or maybe tomorrow.. Because mama Yanti wants to bryng Mak Jun and Bapak out for dinner. So swyt... kan2? Heheh...

Haiya! Really dunno what to upadte. Hyraa just went in to bath. After thys my turn. Haishhh... surely Hyraa wyll use my lappye and she wont let me use jap taw =(!!! hahahhahahaha
know wad? I tynk I wyll blogg properly later after Im done wyf everythyng...

Thursday, October 14, 2010